June 3, 2024

Newcastle United has held meetings in the Middle East ahead of the January transfer window with Eddie Howe looking to improve the squad. 

This is according to reliable journalist Lee Ryder, who has been speaking on his YouTube channel about the Toon’s plans for the upcoming winter market.

The previous January transfer window offered the Newcastle owners their first opportunity to spend some money following the 2021 takeover on Tyneside.

And spend they did with Howe’s side bringing in around £90m worth of talent with Bruno Guimaraes the standout piece of business.

With the next transfer window now just a matter of days away, Ryder has shone some light on the behind-the-scenes actions put in place ahead of the market:

“Nobody should put a limit on how many players are going to come in. But the reality is, Newcastle is going into this window looking to improve.

“They’ve had meetings in the Middle East. Remember on the back of that Middle East meeting last January, Newcastle returned with Bruno on board, so they’ve got the backing – that’s the great thing about it.”

Newcastle finds themselves in an unfamiliar position ahead of next month’s window with a top-four fight on their hands after an excellent start to the campaign.

And what is perhaps most interesting, is what type of players Howe may look to bring in next month having been linked with the likes of James Maddison.

Howe’s side has shown what they are capable of so far this season, so will he look to bring in small improvements to his squad to maintain the morale across the squad, or will he be looking to push the boat out and potentially upset the apple cart by bringing in a big name to show just how serious they are about qualifying for the Champions League? Only time will tell.

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